CPE62-3GE-W618 5G / 4G / 3G WiFi 6 indoor CPE-router mei sim slot

Modelnûmer: CPE62-3GE-W618


Moq: 1

gouSUPPORT 5G / 4G / 3G EN WIFI 6

gouDraadloze taryf max 1800mbps

gouMei SIM-kaart Slot

Produkt detail

Technyske spesifikaasjes



Produkt beskriuwing


Yntroduksje fan ús 5G-binnen CPE-router, de ultime oplossing foar stabile en rappe ynternetferbining. Mei stipe foar 5g / 4G / bedlike breedbânferbining kinne jo ôfskied nimme fan traach en ynstabile ynternet. Us router stipet 5g / 4G / 3G en WiFi 6, soarget foar betroubere wrâldwide kommunikaasje. Oft jo binne streamend 4K-fideo's of spielje online spultsjes, jo sille gjin lagen of bufferje belibje. Meitsje jo klear om te genietsjen fan naadloze ynternetferbining mei ús 5g indoor CPE-router.



- Qualcomm X62
- 3GPP Release 16
- 802.11ax Protocol
- IPV6 Stack
- Firewall

Diminsje 112 * 110 * 224mm
Netto gewicht Oer 730g
Wurkje temp "10 oant 55 ° C
SMP opslaan -40 oant 70 ° C
Fochtigens 5% oant 90%
AC-adapter 12v / 2a
Knoppen Power, reset, WPS


5G / 4G / 3G WAN-funksje
3GPP-frijlitting Release 16
5G FrekwinsjeBANDS EN DATA-tariven Sub-6 NSA:N1 / 2/3/8/7/8/1/1/0 13/13/2/7/27/83/26/7/27/201/201/201/29/201/29 / 40/11 /48/66/70/71/75/76/77/78/79Sub-6 SA:N1 / 2/3/8/7/8/1/1/0/2/a 13/2/7/27/201/201/201/2/8/8/40/8/66/70/77/78/76/775g NSA: 3,4 Gbps (DL) / 550 Mbps (ul)5G SA: 2,4 GBPS (DL) / 900 Mbps (ul)
4g frekwinsjeBANDS EN DATA-tariven LTE: B1 / 2/2/a 4/5/7/8/8 / 12/13/14 / 17/18/19/201/25/20/26/29/30/32/34/31/31/41/42/43/46 (Laa) / 48/67 / 711,6 Gbps (DL) / 200 Mbps (ul)
3G frekwinsjeBANDS EN DATA-tariven UMTS / WCDMA: B1 / 2/1/5/5/8/8 48DC-HSDPA: 42 mbps (dl)HSupa: 5.76 MBPS (UL)WCDMA: 384 kbps (dl) / 384 kbps (ul)


Frekwinsje berik 2.4g: 2 .412 ~ 2.4835ghz5.8g: 5. 150GHz ~ 5.250GHz, 5.7250Ghz ~ 5.8250Ghz
Draadloze taryf 11b: 1/27/ 5.5 / 11MBPS11g: 6/977/97/27/27/37/8 / 48/54MBPS11n: Maks 600mbps11ac: max1200mbps11Ax: Max1800mbps
Wurkkanaal 2.4g: 1 ~ 135.8G: 36,40,44.48,52,56,60,64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165
Spreid Spectrum Technology Dsss
Modulaasje metoade 802. 11A: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM) 802. 11B: DSSS (DQPSK, DBPSK, CCK)802. 11G: OFDM (Bpsk, Qpsk, 16-Qam, 64-Qam)802. 11n: OFDM (Bpsk, Qpsk, 16-Qam, 64-QM)802. 11AC: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16-Qam, 64-Qam, 256- QAM)802. 11Ax: OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16-Qam, 64-Qam, 256- Qam, 1024-QAM)
Medium tagong Protokol Csma / ca mei ack
Degatoefokraten WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK, WPA3-Sae, WPA3-Sae / WPA2-PSS2
Krêft 2.4g:11B: 20DBM ± 2DBM @ 11MBPS11g: 20DBM ± 2DBM @ 6Mbm ± 2DBM @ 54MBM @ 54MB ±: 20DBM ± 2DBM @ 6Mbm ± 2dbm @ 54MM ± 2DBM @ 6MPBM @ 6MBPM ± 2DBM @ 54MBPY5,8g:11AC (VHT80): 18DBM ± 2DBM @ MCS0, 15DBM ± 2DBM @ MCS9 11AX (VHT80): 18DBM ± 2DBM @ MCS0, 15DBM ± 2DBM @ MCS11
Gefoel fan gefoelichheid krije 2.4g:11g: <-82dbm @ 6Mbps, <-65dbm @ 54mbps11n (HT20): ≤ -62dbm @ MCS711n (HT40): ≤ -61dbm @ MCS711ax (HT40): ≤ -79dbm @ MCS0, ≤ -49dbm @ MCS11.5,8g:11ac (VHT80): ≤ -76dbm @ MCS0, ≤ --51DBM @ MCS9 11AX: (VHT80): (VHT80): ≤ -76dbm @ MCS0, ≤ -46dbm @ MCS11
Waarmte fersprieding 2 blêden waarmte fersprieding fan dekking fan 'e PCBA-haadstikset


FUNTICE Gegevens
Sim Slot Stipe SIM (4FF NANO)
Oantinken RAM (DDR3): 256mbytes, Flash (SPI): 32mbytes
Groep 1 × 10/100 / 1000MBPS WAN PORT, 2 × 10 / 100.00 / 1000MBPS LAN PORT, 1 × USB 2.0-poarte, 1 × Nano USIM-kaartHaven, 1 × DC Power Port
5g antenne Ynboude hege prestaasjes folsleine frekenty antenne, 2t4r, antennewinning 4dbi
Wifi Antenna Ynboude Wi-Fi-fi-Fyn-Fi Antenna2.4g: 2t2r, 5G: 2t2r, Antenna Gain 4DBI
Yndikator ljocht Power-yndikator (blau), WiFi-yndikator (blau en grien), 5G Networking-yndikator (Tricolor), 4GNetwurkindikator (Tricolor)
Taal Sineesk / Ingelsk
IP-protokollen IPv4 / IPV6
Praktyske funksje Setup Wizard, SMS Stjoer en ûntfange, nat
Netwurkynstellingen Wan Connectionypen stipe: PPPoe, DHCP,Statyske IP, PPTP, L2TP, APN, IPV6, DHCP, besikers oan it netwurk, âlderlike kontrôle
Behear TR069 / Fota, apparaatynformaasje, NTP, Cell Lock, PIN-management, Firmware Backup / Restore, FlowStatistiken, Wachtwurd feroarje, ensfh
Feiligens ynstellings Firewall
Draadloos Swarte en wite list, WiFi-ynstellingen, MeshKonfiguraasje, WPS
Netwurk ark Ping, Tracert, N sjocht




CPE62-3GE-W618 5G / 4G / 3G WiFi 6 indoor CPE-router mei sim slot.pdf



